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Infinity Insurance Group

Post Falls Office

755 N Regal Ct,
Post Falls, ID 83854

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"By comparing multiple insurers, we deliver the best combination of price, coverage, and claims practices."

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Insured Happy Family

Do I need watercraft insurance to use a marina?

Watercraft insurance isn’t required in every state. The state of Idaho doesn’t require boat owners to carry watercraft insurance. However, you may still be required to carry it in some situations. Our team at Infinity Insurance Group is here to help Post Falls, ID residents navigate watercraft insurance and get the coverage they need. 

What is watercraft insurance?

Watercraft insurance includes insurance coverage for boats, yachts, and personal watercraft with motors with horsepower that meets or exceeds 25 mph. This insurance is designed to provide coverage for accidents that result in injuries to others, as well as coverage for damage you cause to other people’s property. This insurance also provides coverage for you if you are hurt or your watercraft is damaged by someone without insurance. You receive both liability protection and protection for yourself and your watercraft if an uninsured person damages your boat. 

Do I need watercraft insurance to use a marina?

Although watercraft insurance isn’t a legal requirement, it may be required to use certain marinas. Many watercraft owners would be unprepared to pay for damage to someone else’s watercraft or bodily injuries to others caused by an accident where you’re at fault. As a result, many marinas require boat owners to carry watercraft insurance to cover any bodily injuries or damage to their marina and other watercraft. Although watercraft insurance mayn’t be a state requirement, it may be required in different situations, including docking and using marinas and watercraft owners with boat loans. Lenders usually require watercraft insurance for watercraft owners who are financing their watercraft. If you have questions regarding watercraft insurance, we’d happily answer them. Call us. 

Protecting Belongings: Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost

When securing insurance for your personal property, one major decision is choosing between actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost coverage. These are standard options in many home insurance policies. The two types of personal property coverage offer different benefits. Here’s a look at those differences.

Actual Cash Value: A More Inexpensive Option

ACV coverage compensates you for the value of your item at the time of loss, factoring in depreciation. For example, if you purchased a laptop three years ago, the payout would reflect its current market value, not the price you paid.

 This type of coverage generally results in lower premiums but also lower payouts. It might be suitable for those who want protection but are willing to accept a lower value for older items. Still, we at Infinity Insurance Group often don’t recommend it to Post Falls, ID homeowners because of the limited protection afforded. 

Replacement Cost: A More Robust option

Replacement cost coverage generally pays the amount necessary to replace lost or damaged items with a new one of similar type and quality. This personal property coverage option doesn’t deduct for depreciation. 

Replacement cost better ensures that you can fully replace your belongings. It tends to have slightly higher premiums, but most of the Post Falls, ID homeowners we at Infinity Insurance Group work with are willing to pay a little more for much more robust protection.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between ACV and replacement cost coverage ultimately depends on your situation. Talk with one of our knowledgeable insurance agents, and they can help you think through the two options. We’ll ensure you get the right personal property coverage for your situation and the right other home insurance coverage you need.

Specialized Insurance Products for Commercial Business Owners

Specialized insurance products protect businesses in specific situations. Review some products that will keep your business afloat during an unforeseen setback.

Product Liability Coverage

Product liability coverage offers protection if a product malfunctions or causes harm to a consumer. This type of coverage protects against defects that occur when a product is manufactured. It covers legal expenses that may ensue as a result of the defect.

Commercial Property Coverage

Business property coverage provides protection when a building or land used by a place of business is damaged or vandalized. It also covers machinery, inventory, furnishings, and other essentials that become inoperable due to damage or vandalism.

Business Interruption Coverage

Business interruption coverage provides funding to keep a business running during a crisis. It will pay for replacement materials, furnishings, and other essentials damaged by criminal activity or a natural weather event.

Employment Practices Coverage

Employment practice coverage provides legal protection. If an employee sues an employer, this type of coverage will be useful. The coverage protects against discrimination, harassment, wrongful firing, and other types of accusations that occasionally occur within a place of business.

Flood Coverage

Flood coverage offers protection against water damage. This type of coverage will cover costs associated with natural weather events that result in water damage. The coverage will pay for cleaning processes and the repair or replacement of inventory, machinery, and other essentials used within a place of business.

Contact Infinity Insurance Group

At Infinity Insurance Group, we protect business owners’ rights. Please schedule a consultation with one of our agents serving the Post Falls, ID, region to discuss your commercial business insurance needs.

Infinity Insurance Group’s Tips: Maximizing Home Coverage in Post Falls, ID

Living in Post Falls, ID, can provide you with gorgeous views, beautiful weather year-round, and so much more. When you look to protect your home, it’s important to consider your coverage with your home insurance policy. Infinity Insurance Group has a few tips for you to consider.

Consider Potential Issues

When you have home insurance, your goal should always be to have sufficient coverage to file a claim with minimal out-of-pocket expenses. To do that, you must explore all potential issues affecting your home.

Consider where you live, how often you entertain, the value of your belongings, and even the age of your home.

Some of the common claims that people file include:

  • Wind damage
  • Water damage
  • Fire damage
  • Break-ins
  • Property damage caused by neighbors or contractors

Once you’ve considered what could happen, you can start to equip your policy with more coverage.

Value Your Home

The value of your home can go up as you remodel, upgrade roofing, and more. Additionally, you want to consider the value of everything inside your home – furniture, electronics, keepsakes, and more.

Establishing a true value for your home and everything in it will ensure that your policy reflects that. Otherwise, you could spend more out of pocket on repairs and replacements.

Get Help from an Insurance Agent

Home insurance encompasses four aspects of coverage, including dwelling, other structures, personal property, and liability. However, how much goes into these coverage levels is entirely up to you.

To ensure you have considered everything, it is important to work with an insurance agent who will personalize your policy.

When you’re working to maximize your home coverage in Post Falls, ID, call Infinity Insurance Group. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Five Tips for Navigating Idaho’s Health Insurance Landscape

Navigating the twists and turns inside Idaho’s health insurance landscape can be daunting. Trusted professionals at Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID, can help! 

Five Tips for Navigating Idaho’s Complex Health Insurance Landscape

#1. Research Plans 

The first step to choosing the right Idaho health insurance policy for you and your family is to research available health insurance plans to compare costs, features, and benefits. A trusted insurance agent can help you understand the complexities of premiums, deductibles, and co-pays. 

#2. Understand Coverage Options 

Make sure you clearly understand what services and procedures are and aren’t covered under your new insurance plan before completing enrollment. Familiarize yourself with policy terms and choose policies that offer coverage for services, providers, and procedures you and your family will likely use. 

#3. Stay In-Network

In-network and out-of-network coverage can vary drastically. Avoid having to visit out-of-network providers by learning which providers offer the services you need and choosing the plan that aligns with your family’s needs 

#4. Use Preventative Care Services 

The best health insurance plans in Idaho include provisions for preventative services for regular health screenings and wellness visits that can help prevent and detect the onset of early illness. 

#5. Update Your Coverage Annually 

As life changes, so can your healthcare needs. Idaho health insurance policyholders need to review their existing policies each year during open enrollment and make changes or updates as needed. 

Health Insurance Professionals in Idaho

Choosing the right Idaho health insurance policy doesn’t have to be complicated. Contact the licensed and knowledgeable professionals at Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID, to learn more about your options for coverage and get a free quote! 

Life Insurance for Your Life Today

You may be under the impression that life insurance is just for the living after you’re gone. That can seem like a strange concept, but in fact, life insurance is something you can use strategically as part of your finances today.

How Life Insurance Can Benefit You, Your Family, and Your Business, Today

At Infinity Insurance Group, we offer our clients in Post Falls, ID and elsewhere a selection of life insurance that, as insurance professionals, we’ve reviewed for the quality of coverage and industry ratings. Let us explain the types of life insurance that are available and how each one has a specific role to play in your life.

Whole life insurance, for example, helps you build up cash value as well as prepare for the future benefit to those you designate. Term life insurance can be used to make sure things you’ve worked hard for, such as business and building a house, can be finished if you’re not able to. It can be difficult to envision preparing for situations like these, but it’s also an opportunity to ensure that your future plans are solid, even if the unexpected happens.

Focusing On Goals with Life Insurance

With an eye into the future, you may have goals like your child’s graduation from college, that you’d like to make sure happen without doubt. Part of your financial planning can include an affordable policy that covers the time when your child would be in college, addressing concerns of disruption due to family finances changing without your earnings. If you choose insurance with a cash value, you can have that available for the same purpose, offering a dual strategy.

At Infinity Insurance Group, we can help with your goals in Post Falls, ID, as well as provide protection.

What Types of Boats Require Insurance?

If you’ve just purchased a new boat, you’re probably very proud. Nothing can be more exciting, as well as relaxing than taking your boat out on the water to fish and participate in other activities. You might have some questions about which types of boats require insurance and more. Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID is happy to assist.

What Types of Boats Require Insurance?

In most states, including Post Falls ID, boat insurance is optional. This is true regardless of the type of boat. You don’t necessarily need boat insurance, but insuring your boat is always a good idea. You can never predict when an event might occur that damages your boat, requiring it to undergo repairs. You could also have passengers aboard who need medical attention after an incident has occurred that caused them to become injured. 

Do You Use Your Boat Frequently?

If you use your boat on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to insure it because the more you use it, the more likely it is to sustain some type of damage or become involved in an accident. Having insurance can prevent you from needing to pay out of pocket for repairs or the medical bills of injured individuals. So, you really should consider boat insurance if you use your boat frequently. 

Consult With Us

As you can see, boat insurance isn’t required in Idaho, so if you live in Post Falls, ID and you’re in need of a new insurance company, you should consider Infinity Insurance Group. We pride ourselves on providing the absolute best customer service as well as coverage. Give us a call today, so we can provide you with a quote and answer any questions that you may have before getting your policy started. 

6 Consequences of Not Having Auto Insurance

Driving without insurance can sound like a harmless idea. You’re just going up the street. What harm could it do?

The truth of the matter is it can cause a lot of emotional and physical damage. On top of that, driving without car insurance in Post Falls, ID is illegal. If you get caught, it comes with serious consequences.

Some of these include:

  • A $75 fine for your first offense and up to $1,000 for your other offenses.
  • Suspension of your license until you provide proof of insurance for each offense.
  • Mandatory filing of an SR-22 form with the Idaho Transportation Department for one year for your first offense. It goes up to three years for your other offenses. This document proves you have the minimum liability insurance the state of Idaho requires.
  • Jail time of up to six months, or a combo of jail time and a fine for your other offenses.
  • Liability for the costs of any damages you cause in an accident. You’ll have to deal with lawsuits, garnished wages, or seized assets.
  • Trouble finding affordable auto insurance in the future. Because of your mistake, insurers now consider you a high-risk driver and will charge you higher premiums or deny you coverage outright.

We Are Here To Help

Driving without insurance in Post Falls, ID is not worth the risk. It is better to find a car insurance policy like the ones we offer at Infinity Insurance Group that fits your budget and meets Idaho’s minimum requirements. Our agents at Infinity Insurance Group understand your dilemma and want to make sure you’re compliant with Idaho state law. Call us now for more information.

Hospitality Safety Nets: The Role of Commercial Insurance in the Hotel Industry

The hotel industry is a dynamic and fast-paced sector catering to travelers worldwide, especially in the Post Falls, ID area. While hotels aim to provide their guests with a safe and comfortable experience, they also face various risks and challenges. These challenges include accidents, property damage, lawsuits, and unexpected events that can disrupt business operations. Commercial insurance protects hotel owners and guests and is a crucial safety net for the hotel industry.

The Comprehensive Nature of Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance, tailored to meet the needs of businesses, offers a comprehensive safety net for hotels. It encompasses various types of coverage, each serving a specific purpose in safeguarding the interests of the hotel industry.

Property Coverage: Protecting Physical Assets

Hotels rely heavily on their physical assets, including buildings, furnishings, and equipment. Property coverage within commercial insurance protects these assets against various risks, such as fire, natural disasters, vandalism, and theft. This ensures that hotels recover from damage swiftly and continue providing their guests with a safe and comfortable environment.

Liability Protection: Managing Legal Risks

Hotels interact with guests, employees, suppliers, and third parties daily, which can lead to various liability risks. Commercial insurance includes liability protection to address potential claims related to accidents, injuries, or property damage on the hotel’s premises. This coverage safeguards hotel owners from costly legal actions.

Business Interruption Coverage: Maintaining Operations

Unforeseen disruptions are problematic, such as fires, floods, or other events that temporarily force a hotel to close. Business interruption coverage compensates hotels for lost income and additional expenses during downtime, allowing the business to remain financially stable.

Infinity Insurance Group Can Help You

At Infinity Insurance Group, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Post Falls, ID area. Contact us today. 

Floods, Earthquakes and Natural Disasters: How to Protect Your Home with Insurance

Living in Idaho offers residents an idyllic blend of natural beauty and outdoor adventures, which can lull residents into a sense of comfort and security. However, Idaho residents need to remember that the Gem State is not immune to natural disasters like flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires — so it is vital to protect your home and belongings from unforeseen events that can lead to unexpected losses.  

Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID can help! 

Protect Your Home from Weather-Related Damages

Snowstorms and freezing rain during the winter months can lead to heavy snow and ice accumulation that stress the roofs of homes, leading to roof damage or collapse in extreme cases. Ice-filled gutters and downspouts can cause ice dams, water leaks, and internal damage to walls and ceilings. 

Minimize the Impacts of Wildfires, Natural Disasters, and Floods

Flooding caused by severe thunderstorms can infiltrate foundations and damage electrical systems and HVAC services. Smoke and wildfire ash can also infiltrate Idaho homes and overload indoor HVAC systems. Please don’t wait until it’s too late to mitigate the impacts of unpredictable Idaho weather. Safeguard your Idaho home and protect your family and belongings with home insurance from Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID. 

Get Home Insurance Coverage in Idaho

The experts at Infinity Insurance Group can explain your options for home insurance coverage to protect critical elements of your home, like roofing and gutters. They can also talk to you about preventative home maintenance tips, winterizing tips, and techniques to help reduce the likelihood of weather-related mishaps during the colder months. 

We Are Here To Help

Contact a home insurance expert at Infinity Insurance Group to learn more tips and tricks for protecting your Idaho properties and get a free quote today! 

Partner Carriers

  • Aflac
  • Allied Insurance Company
  • American Modern
  • Blue Cross of Idaho
  • Foremost
  • Gem State
  • GeoVera Insurance Company
  • Hartford
  • Idaho State insurance Fund
  • Kemper Preferred
  • MetLife
  • Philadelphia Insurance Companies
  • Progressive Insurance
  • Regence
  • Safeco
  • Travelers
  • Viking (Dairyland) Insurance Company